School subject: Calculus
Extracurricular activities: Varsity tennis (captain), Interact Club, National Honor Society
Hobbies: Watching and playing sports, shopping, volunteering, spending time with friends and family
Car: Lamborghini
Store: Forever 21
Musical artist: Katy Perry
Movie: Miracle
TV show: Sports Center
Cafeteria food must-have: Pizza sticks
Last book read that wasn't required: Nineteen Minutes, by Jodi Picoult
Pet peeve: Procrastinators
Person most admired: My mom, Kim
Person I'd like to meet: Rafael Nadal
Items always in my locker: Old English books that I can't turn in yet
First job: Ice Cream Extraordinaire at Jacky's Depot
Top accomplishment: Being ranked first in my class on the four-point scale and surviving a trimester of AP Physics
After-graduation plans: Double major in business and sport and leisure studies at Ohio State University
Career goal: Plan the world's most important sporting events, such as the Super Bowl or the Olympics, and become one of the few female general managers of a professional sports team
Quote from teacher: "Sarah Hall is not only a talented student, she also has an amazing work ethic," said Jene Drage, calculus teacher. "She always gives one hundred percent and as a result, turns in high quality work. It is a pleasure to teach Sarah."
-- Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.
First Published March 14, 2012, 4:00 a.m.