School subject: Calculus
Extracurricular activity: Softball, 4H
Hobbies: Reading and camping
Car: Any kind of truck
Store: Maurice's
Musical artist: One Republic
Movie: The Wolverine
TV show: Once Upon A Time
Cafeteria food must-have: Ice cream
Last book read that wasn't required: City of Bones
Pet peeve: When I can't remember where I put something
Person I'd like to meet: Hugh Jackman
Person most admired: My father
Items always in my locker: Candy
First job: I was a nanny for on summer
Top accomplishment: I'm proud that I'm in the top 10. I never thought that I would be there.
After-graduation plans: Attend Michigan State University or Northern Michigan University; hopefully I can travel around Michigan before I go to college as well.
Career goal: I want to become a zoologist when I am older. I have a love for animals so it has always been my dream to work with them.
Quote from teacher: "Erin is a great role model for students," said Amy Costello, Counselor. "She has done tutoring with some very difficult students and has maintained a positive, upbeat attitude."
— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.
First Published October 14, 2013, 4:00 a.m.