School subject: Government
Extracurricular activity: Volleyball
Hobbies: Coloring
Car: Mini Cooper
Store: Target
Musical artist: Taylor Swift
Movie: Father of the Bride
TV show: Say Yes to the Dress
Cafeteria food must-have: water
Last book read that wasn't required: I Just Want You To Know by Kate Gosselin
Pet peeve: Required busy work assigned as homework
Person I'd like to meet: Kate Middleton
Person most admired: My grandmother, Patricia Harrington
Items always in my locker: Chapstick
First job: Babysitter
Top accomplishment: Being chosen as class president two years in a row.
After-graduation plans: After graduation, I plan on attending Miami University, Kent State, or Lee University. I would like to major in psychology with a minor in some form of counseling. After receiving my undergraduate degree, I will continue on to get my master's degree in counseling.
Career goal: Eventually, I hope to be a juvenile counselor helping the siblings of special needs children to cope with the diagnosis and to not let it discourage them.
Quote from teacher: "Liz is a highly motivated student who enjoys being involved in numerous co-curricular activities," said Robert Flamm, guidance counselor. "Her contagious enthusiasm motivates peers to be positive contributors to the school culture."
— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.
First Published January 21, 2014, 5:00 a.m.