School Subject: Math
Extracurricular Activity: Karate
Hobbies: Boy Scouts, saxophone
Car: Jeep anything!
Store: American Eagle
Musical Artist: Beatles
Movie: Titanic
TV Show: American Horror Story
Cafeteria food must have: Chicken nuggets
Last Book Read That Wasn’t Required: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Pet Peeve: Lying
Person You’d Like to Meet: Paul McCartney
Person Most Admired: John Lennon
Item always in your locker: Altoids
First Job: Karate instructor
Top Accomplishment: Eagle Scout
After Graduation Plans: I plan to major in mechanical engineering at the University of Toledo
Career Goal: I would like to work at Disney as one of their head engineers
Quote from teacher: “Austin is an excellent student and a terrific young man who has been an important part of our band program and has contributed to our community through scouting,” said Dan Saygers, counselor.
- Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.
First Published February 16, 2015, 5:00 a.m.