School Subject: AP U.S. History and AP Calculus
Extracurricular Activity: GCP (Global Communication Program), Model UN
Hobbies: Cooking/Baking, Traveling, Jogging, Painting
Car: Tesla Model S (electric and good for the environment)
Store: Ladurée
Musical Artist: Frederic Chopin
Movie: The Redemption of Shawshank
TV Show: Sherlock
Cafeteria Food Must Have: Fresh fruit
Last Book Read That Wasn’t Required: The Importance of Being Earnest
Person Most Admired: My mom and dad
Person You’d Like to Meet: Emma Watson
Item always in your locker: A chocolate bar, heavy textbooks I don’t take home, sports equipment
First Job: Simple handcrafts (fifth grade-got paid with ice cream)
Top Accomplishment: Establishing GCP to connect Maumee Valley with people around the world
After Graduation Plans: I’ll visit two of my best friends in Europe (one in Germany and one in France), and probably some friends in Poland, Spain and Sweden. Then I’ll go back to my hometown in China to spend more time with my grandparents (since I started studying abroad, I haven’t seen them very often)
Career Goal: I want to major in business with a minor in international relations. I also want to start my own company one day and use part of the money I earn to do charity and give back to the community
Quote from teacher: “Valentina is a fearless student who is willing to take on any challenges, inside and outside of the classroom,” said Sally Pont, College Counselor. “Learning, for her, is paramount. In addition, she serves the Maumee Valley community as a leader of her peers and an ambassador from her country-a responsibility she takes so seriously that she created a student organization to provide greater communication between international parents and the school. Valentina is both creative and polished; she can conceive an idea and then follow it through its fruition.”
— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.
First Published April 17, 2017, 4:00 a.m.