For years, Katy has been an outstanding teacher, who has not received the credit she deserves. She arrives early, and leaves late. She is a reflective practitioner, who constantly searched for ways to improve. She has started an AP European History course, and has been the social studies teacher for a school-within-a-school model for at-risk freshman. Regardless of the level of student in front of her, she believes her main role is to help students make connections. She enjoys when her students are able to draw parallels between current events and historical events they have studied.
She believes in teaching the students leadership through service learning that extends beyond her classroom. She was instrumental in starting Dance For A Chance, which is an annual dance marathon that raises money for various causes. Through her tutelage in class and after school, the event has been planned and organized by students and been an integral success for over 10 years.
Katy successfully started the AP European History course as an AP option for incoming freshman, which is rather unique among Northwest Ohio schools. She has also teamed with the algebra teacher to develop a lesson about the statistics of developed and developing countries that eventually led to a publication in the Ohio Journal of School Mathematics.
“Katy always finds ways to challenge her students and develop their critical thinking skills,” said Kasey Vens, Principal. “She believes the social studies curriculum is a vehicle to teach students about life.”
- Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.
First Published February 5, 2018, 5:00 a.m.