In this week’s edition of Behind The Readers’ Forum, The Blade welcomes letter writer Alan Kine to discuss his recent letter.
VIDEO: Behind The Readers’ Forum
Here is the text of Mr. Kine’s letter:
The city of Toledo needs to check up on its crews to see if they are really doing their jobs (Oct. 18, ‘’Neighbors say complaints about building not heeded” Oct. 18).
I have rented and lived in the house right next to the church that collapsed for more than 10 years, and from the first week that I moved in, I cleared the small lot of weeds and trash. I also cut the grass around the parking lot.
For more than 10 years, I have kept it looking good. I can state for a fact that no city crews have ever cut the grass around the church.
I am not looking for a pat on the back. I did it to keep the neighborhood looking good. But I’m not going to let the city take credit for something that I did and still do. I just turned 71, and I just cut the grass along the church parking lot the day before it collapsed.
So my question is: Are the taxpayers paying Toledo for work that is not being done by its crews?
4th Street
Each week The Blade's editorial board will pick a "letter of the week," and the writer will be asked to come to The Blade to be interviewed for our Behind the Readers' Forum feature, which appears on and NewsSlide.
First Published October 26, 2017, 9:04 p.m.