The religious hymns that fill the corner of Detroit and Belmont avenues on Sunday mornings resound less audibly since a two-alarm blaze destroyed the Tabernacle of Faith Church nearly 18 months ago.
The church once shared the intersection with Mount Sinai Pentecostal, which continues to hold services.
All that remains of Tabernacle of Faith is a placard at the site bearing its motto - "Salvation is the beginning, Abundant life-living is next, We got next" - firmly planted in the grassy lot.
And so they did yesterday.
Tabernacle of Faith pastor, the Rev. James C. Williams III, and his congregation opened the doors to their new church building where pious music now spills onto the corner of Detroit and Central avenues.
"I had to believe that there was going to be something else," Pastor Williams said. "I believed that this day was going to come."
Several church members said they cried when they walked into the new building.
Most in attendance showed their excitement with smiles and nods of acclamation whenever the move to the new location at 701 W. Central Ave. was mentioned.
Susan Jester, an usher who joined the church just two months before the fire, said the last year and a half was like Moses trying to find the land of milk and honey.
"We knew God had something planned," she said. "I'm in awe. It's kind of surreal."
The structure was purchased in early spring from Central United Methodist Church after talks began in August.
Members and guests yesterday found a building bathed in fresh paint and treated to new carpeting and pews.
The rainy morning light filtered through the stained glass windows to reveal walls and trim of soft purple.
The ushers' dresses, and even Pastor Williams' suit, matched the color scheme, echoing the fresh feeling that radiated throughout the church.
Head usher Harvey Collins, who has been with the church since 2000, said he knew the congregation could work together to achieve its goal of finding a new facility, which also houses the nonprofit James C. Williams Center for Advancement.
"We all try to stay close and keep each other motivated," he said. "The Lord has been good to us."
Spirits were not as high in January, 2007, when Pastor Williams received a call from his son, Jordan Williams, telling him of the smoke billowing from the church's basement.
Pastor Williams said he initially figured the smoke was nothing serious.
But when he arrived at the church, the realization set in - there was nothing the firefighters could do to save the building.
The church, founded by the late Rev. James C. Williams, Jr., about 1965, had been at its central Toledo location for about 20 years before the fire.
"My heart was hurt," Pastor Williams, who is also the son of the founder, said. "I was devastated."
The cause of the blaze was never determined, though Pastor Williams said he suspects it had to do with a furnace in the basement.
Damage to the building, which was insured, was estimated at $200,000.
The pastor and members of the church said they quickly understood that God had a plan for their church.
"We weren't upset because we knew something better was coming," said Richard Nicholson, who has been a member of the church since 1992. "We ended up growing and becoming more united."
Before the inaugural service yesterday at the new site, the church - now known as the Tabernacle of Faith Worship Church - had held Sunday worship in banquet and meeting rooms at the Clarion Hotel-Westgate.
The Rev. Cedric M. Brock of Mount Nebo Baptist Church worked with Pastor Williams to arrange the interim location.
Ms. Jester said that while the hotel staff was wonderful, the temporary nature of the site, constantly moving church items in and out of different rooms, made things difficult.
"It felt like we were visitors in someone else's home," she said.
Now with a new home, congregants plan to start working to effect positive change in the neighborhood by organizing a coat drive, creating a day care, and continuing to support two college scholarships for Scott High School graduates.
Pastor Williams said he feels good about opening the new building, but needs to look to the future.
"Now my focus has to go past this day," he said. "You have to set a new goal. 'OK, we got this done. Now what's next?'"
Contact Matthew Eisen at:
or 419-724-6077.
First Published June 30, 2008, 9:20 a.m.