Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., waves Wednesday to the gallery from the floor of the House of Representatives. She was honored by her peers before resigning to focus on recovering from an assassination attempt.

Giffords resigns House seat to focus on recovery from gunshot wound to head

House Television

Giffords resigns House seat to focus on recovery from gunshot wound to head

WASHINGTON — In a House occasionally known for untoward exits, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords stood among cheering, crying colleagues to say goodbye Wednesday, over a year after she was gravely wounded by a would-be assassin.

Giffords had come to the well of the chamber to resign, a formality since she'd signaled her intention earlier, as she recovers from a gunshot wound to the head during a shooting rampage in her home district in Arizona. It was one of the longer House goodbyes in recent times, as Democrats and Republicans lined up to see her off.

A prolonged standing ovation followed a fusion of tributes and tears as colleagues praised her dignity and perseverance.


Surrounded by friends and colleagues and holding Rep. Jeff Flake's hand, Giffords heard her close friend, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, read her resignation letter to the chamber. In it, Giffords said she had "more work to do on my recovery before I can again serve in elected office."

Last January, a gunman opened fire at Giffords' "Congress on Your Corner" event in Tucson, killing six people and wounding 13, including Giffords who suffered the gunshot wound.

"I don't remember much from that terrible day, but I have never forgotten my constituents, my colleagues or the millions of Americans with whom I share great hopes for this nation," Giffords said in the letter to House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.

After reading it, an emotional Wasserman Schultz helped Giffords slowly make her way to the podium where she handed the letter to a teary-eyed Boehner.


House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Giffords had become "an inspiring symbol of determination and courage to millions of Americans ... Her message of bipartisanship and civility is one that all in Washington and in the nation should emulate."

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., said Giffords' "strength against all odds serves and will continue to serve as a daily inspiration to all of us."

Moments later, the House, including Giffords, voted for her final piece of legislation — a bill that would impose tougher penalties on smugglers who use small, low-flying aircraft to avoid radar detection and bring drugs across the Mexican border.

The vote was 408-0.

Giffords submitted resignation letters to both Boehner and Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, but it isn't effective until the end of the day.

It falls to Brewer to set a date for a special primary and general election to fill the Arizona seat. That will probably happen in the spring or early summer. In November, voters will choose someone for the full two-year term.

Whoops, cheers and sustained standing ovations greeted Giffords' arrival in the chamber. Holding Wasserman Shultz' arm, the congresswoman moved down the center aisle, receiving kisses and hugs from her colleagues.

Her mother, Gloria, and husband, retired Navy Capt. Mark Kelly, watched from the gallery. Giffords had announced on Sunday in a Web video that she would resign her seat.

"She realized she was not going to run for re-election and this point the right thing to do was for her to step down," Kelly said after the emotional event on the House floor. "But I'm more optimistic than anybody else about her future. She just needs some more time, whether it's a year or two years or three years, I'm very confident she's going to have a long and effective career as a public servant."

Asked about her daughter's future, Gloria Giffords said, "I kind of think she's transcended Congress. I don't know where she's going to end up."

"She's remembered every boy she's ever kissed, every song she's ever sang, every bill she's ever passed," she said. "So upward and onward."

First Published January 25, 2012, 4:36 p.m.

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Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., waves Wednesday to the gallery from the floor of the House of Representatives. She was honored by her peers before resigning to focus on recovering from an assassination attempt.  (House Television)
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