
Ohio Turnpike conducts online toll survey


Ohio Turnpike conducts online toll survey

Future may go beyond E-ZPass

It’s been less than a decade since the Ohio Turnpike spent $50 million overhauling its toll-collection system, but it’s already looking toward the next upgrade.

As part of planning for that project, the turnpike posted an online survey that, in large part, asks people whether they use electronic toll payment and whether they’d support a toll increase if gates were to be removed at toll plazas to allow faster vehicle processing.

The turnpike began using E-ZPass for electronic toll collection in 2009. As part of adopting that technology, it changed from using vehicle weight as its fare basis to a combination of axle count and height.


But unlike some neighboring E-ZPass states — including Illinois, Pennsylvania, and New York — the turnpike did not allow toll-tag holders to bypass toll plazas altogether using a system called open-road tolling.

RELATED CONTENT: Ohio Turnpike 2016 Customer Survey

Turnpike officials said at the time they could not justify the additional cost of surveillance and enforcement to guard against drivers without toll tags bypassing toll plazas.

Introducing some form of open-road tolling now is under consideration, although Brian Newbacher, a turnpike spokesman, said that would not necessarily require higher tolls.


Some toll-road agencies bill fees associated with enforcing open-road tolling entirely to vehicles that use electronic-toll facilities without having toll tags, he said.

“The lifespan of our current technology is 10-12 years and is not yet obsolete. However, a lot has happened with tolling technology since E-ZPass was deployed,” Mr. Newbacher said. “We realize that as soon as 2019 we may need to update the system.

“It is prudent to begin planning now by evaluating the existing system, which includes looking at the costs to maintain it, gathering public input, and researching best practices by other states and tolling authorities,” he said.

About 56.7 percent of turnpike travelers, including an overwhelming majority of trucks, now pay Ohio Turnpike tolls electronically. Mr. Newbacher said those travelers typically pay about one-third less than those using cash or credit cards.

But every E-ZPass user still must slow down to 5 mph to pass through a tollgate both to enter and exit the turnpike. At major plazas on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, New York Thruway, and Illinois Tollway system, tag holders can pass through plaza bypass lanes at only slightly reduced speed.

A few toll roads, such as Ontario Highway 407 in Toronto, have no toll plazas at all, and tolls for any vehicle using them without an Ontario toll tag are billed to its registration address — usually with a hefty service charge added.

All options for future toll collection are on the table for now, Mr. Newbacher said.

“Since the process is just getting started, nothing is being unequivocally ruled out at this point as we work to evaluate all alternatives, analyze their costs vs. benefits, and determine the best path forward,” he said.

Turnpike officials and the Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. of Cincinnati, a consultant, will compile data, review existing operations and infrastructure conditions, and prepare a list of alternatives with an eye toward making a final recommendation late this year or early in 2017, according to a turnpike statement.

The online survey, at, has several dozen questions — the number can vary depending on users’ responses to some of them — and according to the turnpike typically takes about five minutes to complete .

Participants willing to provide an email address are entered in a drawing for one of five $100 American Express gift cards.

Contact David Patch at: or 419-724-6094.

First Published September 12, 2016, 4:00 a.m.

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