
Stay Tuned: Emilie Voss

Stay Tuned: Emilie Voss

Anchor and reporter for WTOL-TV, WUPW-TV

You have heard their voices on radio and seen their faces on TV. Now The Blade goes behind the scenes to introduce you to your favorite media personalities. Stay Tuned appears the third Monday of every month.

First job: My first paying job in TV was in beautiful Grand Junction, Colo. I moved there as a reporter right out of college and eventually became the weekend anchor. It was a small station and great training because we all had to do a little bit of everything.

First salary: $18,000. TV salaries aren’t always as glamorous as people assume.


My idols are: My parents. I have been blessed to grow up with two of the most amazing, supportive people. My mom has taught me how to be a strong career woman. She is one of those people who somehow finds time to do it all, and with such grace and charisma. It’s hard for me to find the words to describe my dad. He is just the most patient, kindhearted person. He is Mr. Fix-It and can generally do everything perfectly. And my dad is from Wisconsin, so I think I inherited my love of the Midwest from him.

Position: News anchor and reporter

Station: WTOL-TV, Channel 11, and WUPW-TV, Channel 36 (FOX Toledo)

Age: 30

Hometown: Laguna Niguel, Calif.

College: University of Southern California (FIGHT ON!)

Family: My parents, Katie and Jack. I am an only child. And no, my parents didn’t spoil me (too much).

Most embarrassing TV moment: I was fill-in anchoring Christmas night in Grand Junction. I had only been on TV a few months at this point, and it was one of my first times anchoring. My parents were visiting from California and were sitting in the studio. I was reading a story about Christmas tree recycling and I was suppose to say “City officials say take your tree to ....” but a bad word that rhymes with “city” came out of my mouth instead. I paused and then went on to read the sentence as it was suppose to be read. I was mortified but I could see my parents hunched over in the corner of the studio trying not to laugh.

Highlight of my career: This is a hard one for me to pinpoint. I definitely loved covering the presidential race of 2004 in Grand Junction. I have always loved covering politics and I am definitely looking forward to being in Ohio this November.

My favorite thing to do outside of work: Anything outdoors. I love camping, hiking, fishing, tennis, biking ... the list goes on.


I think Toledo’s best-kept secret is: I’m still looking for this answer considering I’ve only been here a matter of weeks. Feel free to share with me if you have any suggestions ( I can say so far my favorite things about Toledo are the people, the beautiful Metroparks, and this great Mexican place my co-anchor Chrys Peterson introduced me to, San Marcos.

People may be surprised to know that I: Love cold weather. I know this sounds strange coming from a girl who was raised on the beach in Southern California, but anyone close to me will tell you I genuinely love a cold, dreary day. Snow? Even better! You are probably rolling your eyes about now, thinking “that will change come next January.” But I did survive two Michigan winters when I was the morning anchor for the NBC station in Lansing. Truth be told — I loved them.

In five years, I see myself: Happy and settled. I definitely learned long ago it’s not worth the energy trying to plan every detail out because life doesn’t go as planned. I hope to put down roots, because I’m getting too old for this moving every few years routine.

My dream job is: Exactly what I am doing. Oprah would be proud.

Contact Kirk Baird at or 419-724-6734.

First Published May 21, 2012, 4:30 a.m.

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