For more than three weeks, Jacob Lopez has been replaying Dec. 30 in his mind, the night a drunken driver he tried to keep off the road ended up killing five people, including an 8-week-old baby.
I think I [did] everything that I could, Mr. Lopez said from his home in Oregon yesterday. But if I could seriously redo it all, I would ve tried to hold him a little bit longer.
The newlywed father of three, who is a former U.S. Marine and an employee at the Taco Bell restaurant at 2950 Navarre Ave. in Oregon, called 911 at 10:47 p.m. that night when Michael Gagnon, 24, of Adrian pulled up to the restaurant s drive-through window, slurring his speech and ordering food that wasn t on the menu.
Usually, people stop at the menu board, Mr. Lopez, 22, said. He didn t stop. He blew right through the menu to my window. Right then, I knew something was up.
He ordered a chicken quesadilla and a Mexican Fiesta. I told him we don t have anything called a Mexican Fiesta, but he was like, Dude, you know what I want, man. ... Come on, man, hook it up.
When Mr. Lopez called authorities to report the suspected drunken driver, he provided a complete description of both the motorist and the vehicle.
For his efforts, Mr. Lopez is scheduled on Monday night to receive a commendation from Oregon Mayor Marge Brown, Lucas County Clerk of Courts Bernie Quilter, and the Oregon Community Family Coalition. The recognition will occur at 8 p.m. at an Oregon City Council meeting.
Toledo authorities previously commended Mr. Lopez for his actions that night.
He did exactly what we would want people to do, Toledo police Chief Mike Navarre has said. A lot of people don t do that. We re certainly glad he made that phone call.
Mr. Lopez said he s called police at least two times before and once after the Dec. 30 incident when he suspected a drive-through customer was drunk.
The evening of the fatal wreck, Mr. Lopez said he told the manager on duty to stall Mr. Gagnon while Mr. Lopez called 911. He said Mr. Gagnon was only in the drive-through for roughly 90 seconds.
I have no clue what the manager said to him, Mr. Lopez said. All I know is she held him as long as she could. If you hold him too long, they start getting suspicious and they start wanting to leave.
It took police no more than two minutes to arrive at the restaurant, but by that time Mr. Gagnon was on his way to I-280.
Authorities said Mr. Gagnon was driving a Ford F-350 truck the wrong way on the southbound side of the interstate in Toledo when it collided with a Chevy Astro van driven by Danny Griffin, Jr., 36, of Parkville, Md.
Bethany Griffin, 36; Jordan Griffin, 10; Lacie Burkman, 7, and Haley Burkman, 10, were pronounced dead at the scene.
Vadie Griffin, 8 weeks, was pronounced dead at St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center, where Mr. Griffin and Sydney Griffin, 8, were treated for injuries. Beau Burkman, 8, received only minor injuries.
Records show that Mr. Gagnon had a blood-alcohol level of 0.254 percent at the time of the crash. In Ohio, the legal limit for drivers is 0.08 percent.
Mr. Lopez hasn t talked to the media since the incident, but he did attend a memorial service in Michigan for the Griffin family after Mr. Griffin invited him.
He just thanked me and said that I did as much as I could, Mr. Lopez said. I m gonna be part of that family no matter what I do. No matter what happens, I m always going to remember them.
Unfortunately, this is not the first time Mr. Lopez s life has been scarred by a drunken driver.
Mr. Lopez said one of the men who lives in his apartment building is Arturo M. Lopez, whose 8-year-old son, Arturo A. Lopez, was killed Jan. 17 in Jerusalem Township when the elder Mr. Lopez s vehicle was struck by another that crossed the center line.
Authorities said they believe the other driver, Albert Michalak III, 52, of Curtice, who also was killed in the wreck, was intoxicated at the time.
After that fatal collision, Candy Lopez, who is the wife of Jacob Lopez, wrote a letter to Arturo s family.
I told them that I was sorry for what happened, and that nothing s worse than losing a child, she said yesterday. We may not be able to help them out financially, but we will be here for them emotionally. I hope my words can help them go on and care for their other children. They ll be in my thoughts and prayers always.
Also about a decade ago, Mr. Lopez said his cousin, then a student at an area middle school, was killed when a car in which he was riding was hit by a drunken driver.
For Mr. Lopez and his wife, the issue of drunken driving is extremely personal.
Nobody really understands how bad it s hurting people, I guess, Mr. Lopez said of drunken-driving crashes. In the past [several] weeks, eight people [in Lucas County] have died. Five kids. Arturo, I used to watch that kid swim. Not even a week ago, I said hi, to him.
Mrs. Lopez, whose stepfather, Gary Suto, works for the Northwood Police Department, said her husband s actions have compelled other fast-food employees to report suspected drunken drivers.
My dad said they get more calls now because of what Jacob s done, she said.
Mr. Lopez said at first, he was angry at Mr. Gagnon because his actions resulted in the death of a baby that is the same age as his youngest child, Jesse.
But lately, he said his feelings have changed.
I just feel sorry for him because I know he didn t mean to hurt these people, but it s something that he has to live with, Mr. Lopez said.
Mr. Gagnon pleaded not guilty in Lucas County Common Pleas Court on Jan. 17 to five counts of aggravated vehicular homicide and two counts of aggravated vehicular assault.
He is being held at the Lucas County jail in lieu of a $1.75 million bond and faces up to 50 years in prison if he is convicted on all charges.
Contact Chauncey Alcorn at:calcorn@theblade.comor 419-724-6168.
First Published January 24, 2008, 3:33 p.m.