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One of America's Great Newspapers ~ Toledo, Ohio


Keeping cool at the pool


The Jamie Farr Pool is one of the few remaining city pools open in Toledo, Ohio.

The Blade/Lori King
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Precious Thompson lathers the face of Travion Woods, 9 months, with sun screen at the Jamie Farr Pool in Toledo, Ohio. Holding Travion is his mother Victoria Woods.

Blade Photo/Lori King


Freeze pops are in demand at this house on Ontario St. in Toledo, Ohio. Dalana Smith, 8, attempts to keep her freeze pop away from Andrew Black, 2, while Jashawn Lewis, front, eats his cold treat.

The Blade/Lori King
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As his new pool fills up with cold water, Donelle Woodard, 6, takes a moment to cool off with the hose at his Moore St. home in Toledo, Ohio.

The Blade/Lori King
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Teens and youngsters huddle in front of a fan in a garage turned hangout spot on Moore St. in Toledo, Ohio. From left: Anastajaeia Winfree, 15, Arshae Reed, 16, Aaliyah Lamb, 14, Kamijeion Douglas, 12, Marwan Lamb, 12, and Geionna Hollingsworth, 12. They call their hanout the Trojan's Cave.

The Blade/Lori King
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Aidan McAlees, 7, center, smiles as he sits with his grandmother, Dee Dee Ciccarelli, right, his mother Deanna McAlees, of Sylvania, and his sister Ainslee, 5, Tuesday afternoon at Burnham Park in Sylvania. Ciccarelli, wo was visiting her family from Pittsburgh, said the pool was just about the only thing that helped with the excessive heat of the day. With the National Weather Service reporting the heat index values may range from 105 to 108 degrees today, dozens of local residents turned out to spend the day at the pool. A heat warning was issued until 9 p.m. Tuesday evening. The Sylvania Senior Center, 7140 West Sylvania Avenue, will also be open until 6 p.m. as a cooling center, to help local residents escape the heat.

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Margaret O'Neill, 6, center left, holds her brother Finnegan, 2, both of Sylvania, as the two swim Tuesday afternoon at Burnham Park in Sylvania. This was the second day the siblings had returned to the pool with their mother, Cara (not pictured). With the National Weather Service reporting the heat index values may range from 105 to 108 degrees today, dozens of local residents turned out to spend the day at the pool. A heat warning was issued until 9 p.m. Tuesday evening. The Sylvania Senior Center, 7140 West Sylvania Avenue, will also be open until 6 p.m. as a cooling center, to help local residents escape the heat.

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Debbie Stoll, of Sylvania, took a break from the pool at Burnham Park to catch up on her reading Tuesday afternoon in Sylvania. With the National Weather Service reporting the heat index values may range from 105 to 108 degrees today, dozens of local residents turned out to spend the day at the pool. A heat warning was issued until 9 p.m. Tuesday evening. The Sylvania Senior Center, 7140 West Sylvania Avenue, will also be open until 6 p.m. as a cooling center, to help local residents escape the heat.

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China resident and Univ. of Toledo student Raio Sho shields herself from the sun as she walks around the UT campus in Toledo, Ohio.

The Blade/Lori King
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Jamie Farr Pool lifeguard Jake Wallace, 16, sits under an umbrella as he keeps his eyes on swimmers in the Toledo, Ohio city pool.

The Blade/Lori King
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This sign read 105 degrees in Point Place, Ohio.

The Blade/Lori King
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Andrew Black, 2, sips on a Freeze Pop at a house on Moore St. in Toledo, Ohio.

The Blade/Lori King
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Ethan Cope, 7, of Perrysburg, twists on his way down the water slide Tuesday evening at the Perrysburg Municipal Pool. With the National Weather Service reporting the heat index values may range from 105 to 108 degrees today, the pool was a popular place for local residents. A heat warning was issued until 9 p.m. Tuesday evening.

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