
Skating with Santa


Aurora Romaker, 6, center, yells as she attempts to skate on her own while Santa Claus greets other children on the rink.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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With her ice skates still on, Makayla Smith, 2, receives a candy cane from Santa Claus during this year's Skating with Santa Saturday, December 20, 2014, at the Ottawa Park Ice Rink in West Toledo.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Skaters lace up during this year's Skating with Santa.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Tae'Sean Green, 8, gets a steadying hand from Santa Claus.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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With her ice skates still on, Victoria Herr, 6, right, receives a candy cane from Santa Claus during this year's Skating with Santa.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Leif, 3, reaches out to his mother Lianne, right, as he and his father Paul, center, of Ottawa Hills, skate together.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Children flock to Santa Claus during this year's Skating with Santa.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Children line up for a photograph, organized by one of their parents, during this year's Skating with Santa.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Michaela Petty, 18, left, receives a candy cane after having her picture taken with Santa Claus by her mother Danielle Petty, not pictured.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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