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Stranahan Veterans Day Assembly


Kindergartner Isabella Vazquez holds an American flag.

The Blade/Andy Morrison
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First grader Owen Evener shows his patriotism.

The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Tom Jones, a Marine Corps veteran who served in Vietnam from 1966-1972, stands at attention.

The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Retired Army Sgt. Justin Kuehnle leads the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Kuehnle, who was wounded in Iraq in 2008, has a son, Justin Jr., in fourth grade at the school, and daughter, Olivia, in first grade at the school.

The Blade/Andy Morrison
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The Stranahan Elementary choir performs.

The Blade/Andy Morrison
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American flags were handed out.

The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Korean War veteran Ben Slomski, Adrian, Mich., gets a hug from his step-grandson Kaden Dusa, as he's honored for his service.

The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Building custodian Angie Keaton and Principal Jeremy Bauer perform the classic Lee Greenwood song "God Bless the USA."

The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Audience members stand for a song.

The Blade/Andy Morrison
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