
Temperance teen treks for a cause


Hunter, carrying his brother Braden, left, and their sister Kerragan as they begin the journey.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Hunter Gandee, 14, and his brother Braden, 7, begin the trek to Ann Arbor.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Volunteers blow up and tie green balloons to distribute at the pep rally.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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8th grade band director Josh Glover leads the Bedford Junior High School band at the beginning of the send-off.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Mom Danielle Gandee, front and left, with her son Braden, 7. Behind them are dad Sam, and in back, son Hunter, 14.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Kellen, left, Kerragan, Hunter, Mom Danielle carrying Braden, and dad Sam Gandee as they make their way to leave.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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A human tunnel lines the route as the brothers begins their journey.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Hunter, carrying his brother Braden, left, and their sister Kerragan as they begin the journey.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Levi Elarton, left, a ninth grader and friend of Hunter Gandee, right, offers a prayer for the safety of the travelers before they depart.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Gandee family members wave to the crowd.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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