Marta Rodriguez stands near two of the largest potholes on the alley next to her house in East Toledo. Ms. Rodriguez says the potholes are so large that cars often drive on her lawn, along the base of her foundation, in an attempt to avoid them. She jokes that the holes are so deep that ducks often stop to swim in them. "All we need now are the Canadian geese," she said. The city spends only $20 million a year on street repairs but needs $1.3 billion worth of work.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Marta Rodriguez stands near two of the largest potholes on the alley next to her house in East Toledo.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Marta Rodriguez says the condition of the alley next to her home in East Toledo is contributing to foundation issues in her basement. Ms. Rodriguez says the potholes in the alley are so large that cars often drive on her lawn, along the base of her foundation, in an attempt to avoid them.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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A truck moves along on Benore Road on Tuesday in Toledo. Benore Road is in bad shape with many potholes.
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Pothole on Benore Road.
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Roger Kern stands outside his home on Benore Road.
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Patty Hindall is upset about the all the potholes on Clover Lane.
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Frank Bobroski talks about the potholes on Sheila Drive.
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Potholes on Barbara Drive.
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Mark and Ruthanne Sweeney talk about the potholes on Barbara Drive.
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Potholes on Clover Lane.
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Many potholes on Sheila Drive.
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Potholes on the 2000 block of W Bancroft St between Parkside Blvd. and Ottawa Pkwy.
The Blade/Amy E. Voigt
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Potholes on the 2000 block of W Bancroft St between Parkside Blvd. and Ottawa Pkwy.
The Blade/Amy E. Voigt
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A massive pothole near the corner of Rose Hill Dr. and Valley Stream Rd.
The Blade/Amy E. Voigt
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Tom Clawson poses for a portrait in front of a pothole near the intersection of Miami Street and Oregon Road. Clawson is the musician behind "Pothole Prison Blues."
The Blade/Julia Nagy
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Dickins Drive in South Toledo is pocked with patches and potholes.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Neighbors David Zydorczyk and Kenya Byrd discusses the deteriorating condition of their North Toledo neighborhood's roads. "You don't even need the speed bumps," Ms. Bryd said, adding, "You've got the potholes."
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Darlene Harder, 80, discusses the condition of Martin Avenue in North Toledo. Ms. Harder has lived in her house on Martin Avenue for 55 years and says the pothole patches on her road aren't sticking. At one point, her car was damaged by a pothole.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Darlene Harder, 80, discusses the condition of Martin Avenue in North Toledo.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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A City of Toledo Streets Bridges and Harbor truck drives over potholes on Stebbins Street near Orchard Street in South Toledo.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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