The Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments is looking for a successor to President Tony Reams, whose retirement is effective July 1.
The council, which spans Lucas, Wood, Fulton, Ottawa, and Monroe counties, has set a March 31 application deadline.
Mary Pat McCarthy, TMACOG’s spokesman, said the agency hopes to have a successor chosen in time for that person to work alongside Mr. Reams in June for a transition period.
Mr. Reams, 69, joined the metropolitan council as its president in November, 2000, after holding several administrative posts with the city of Toledo. His current salary is $133,379.
“TMACOG is a unique agency and I’ve had a very special job here,” Mr. Reams said in a letter published in the agency’s March newsletter. “The next president of TMACOG will have great challenges ahead but, like I did, will find great satisfaction in the work.”
Among the metropolitan council’s leading roles are its management of federal transportation funding it distributes as part of its role as the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization for Lucas and Wood counties and Erie, Bedford, and Whiteford townships.
It also is one of the region’s leading agencies coordinating efforts to promote water quality.
TMACOG has formed a search committee to identify candidates for its presidency. People interested in the position are directed to contact Bill Best, vice president of finance and administration, at 419-241-9155, ext. 108.
A job description and other information is available on the agency’s website,
First Published March 4, 2016, 6:44 a.m.