Noah Eisel of Fulton County talks with Susan Brown, assis- tant manager of circulation and materials, as he applies for a passport at the Main Library in downtown Toledo.

Toledo public library lauded for passport services


Toledo public library lauded for passport services

Award ceremony set for January in D.C.

Along with loaning books and DVDs and offering electronic downloads, the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library has been accepting passport applications and renewals for the U.S. Department of State since 2012.

While the passport service — only available at the Main Library — may not be known to all patrons, it has caught the attention of federal officials.

The library was recently named the 2016 Passport Acceptance Facility of the Year for outstanding service.


A letter sent recently to the Manager of Circulation and Library Materials Cathy Bartel said the library “stood out to [their] National Awards Committee as the most outstanding” among the 7,300 passport acceptance facilities nationally.

“The Toledo Lucas County Public Library serves as a model for all of our acceptance facilities,” the State Department letter said.

To be eligible for the award, acceptance facilities must have been in the program for at least one year and dedicated to outstanding customer service, have high compliance scores, and no serious substantiated customer complaints, a State Department official said.

An award ceremony is planned for January in Washington.


The passport processing service is a money-maker for the library too.

According to the website of the U.S. Department of State, passport acceptance facilities get to keep the $25 execution fee. Since it was authorized by the State Department in 2012, the Toledo library has processed 4,201 passports, which equates to a total of $105,025 for the library.

The downtown library also can offer international travel expertise.

“Our librarians and staff are eager to help with the rest of your vacation planning too. From travel guides to language instruction — for at home, in the car, and on your phone — we’ve got all your travel needs covered in whatever format works best,” Susan Brown, passport application acceptance agent, said in a news release.

A full adult passport costs $110. A passport card is $30. There is a $25 execution fee for all new transactions. That fee is not charged on renewals. The application fees are less for those 15 and younger. No appointment is necessary.

According to a library spokesman, the applications are sent for review to the State Department and returned to the applicant in three to six weeks. Applicants can have their photos taken for $5 at the library passport office.

The documents are good for up to 10 years for adults and five years for children.

As an acceptable facility, the Toledo library can’t take credit or debit cards, only checks and money orders, for the passport fee. Checks, money orders, and credit cards can be used to pay the execution fee and photo charge paid to the library.

U.S. citizens planning international travel may apply for their passports during the following hours:

● 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday to Thursday.

● 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday.

● 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sundays from September through May.

Contact Mark Reiter at: or 419-724-6199.

First Published December 22, 2016, 5:00 a.m.

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Noah Eisel of Fulton County talks with Susan Brown, assis- tant manager of circulation and materials, as he applies for a passport at the Main Library in downtown Toledo.  (THE BLADE/KATIE RAUSCH)  Buy Image
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