Dr. Merrill Grant, retired superintendent of Toledo Public Schools, gets a hug from Nancy Lindsey, a former parent aide at Sherman Elementary, in background above, after a portrait of him was made public at the school.
Forty-two years after he walked through the doors at Sherman for his first teaching job, Dr. Grant returned yesterday to the gymnasium where, in front of family, former students, district officials, and former co-workers, he met the first recipient of the scholarship that will bear his name and saw the unveiling of his portrait.
It will hang in the Sherman library that will be named for him. 'This library represents opportunity. Even in today's world of technology, even in today's world of rapidly changing systems, you've still got to read,' said Dr. Grant, who retired last year after four years as superintendent.
He began his teaching career at Sherman in 1959, eventually becoming principal there. The scholarship recipient, seventh grader Albert Dominguez, 12, plans to go to the University of Texas and become a pediatrician. He attends East Toledo Junior High.
First Published September 5, 2001, 11:18 a.m.