School Subject: History
Extracurricular Activity: Theater
Hobbies: Soccer and singing
Car: Jeep
Store: Charlotte Russe
Musical Artist: Fall Out Boy
Movie: She’s The Man
TV Show: One Tree Hill
Cafeteria Food Must Have: Mac and cheese
Last Book Read That Wasn’t Required: The Hunger Games trilogy
Pet Peeve: Bad grammar on social media
Person Most Admired: My mom
Person You’d Like To Meet: Jennifer Lawrence
Item Always In Your Locker: Water bottle
First Job: Associate at JC Penney
Top Accomplishment: Being recognized for great customer service at work
After Graduation Plans: To attend the University of Kentucky in the Air Force ROTC Nursing Program
Career Goal To travel the world via the Air Force and work as a nurse on life-flight planes and helicopters
Quote from teacher: “Shelby is a remarkable, talented young woman,” said Lea Etts, counselor. “She has a bright future and with her determination and motivation she will be a huge success. I am very lucky to have had the opportunity to have been her counselor for the past four years.”
— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.
First Published April 28, 2014, 4:00 a.m.