School Subject: Science
Extracurricular Activity: None
Hobbies: Shopping
Car: Escalade
Store: Michael Kors
Musical Artist: Luke Bryan
Movie: Dear John
TV Show: One Tree Hill
Cafeteria food must have: Chicken nuggets
Last book read that wasn’t required: Divergent
Pet Peeve: Whistling
Person You’d Like to Meet: Khloe Kardashian
Person Most Admired: My mom
Item Always In Your Locker: Gum
Top Accomplishment: Getting high honor roll
After Graduation Plans: Attend Owens for 2 years then transfer to the University of Toledo, majoring in Human Resources
Career Goal: To work in administration in a hospital
Quote from teacher: “Holly is a joy to have in class,” said Jean Gidich-Holbrock, teacher. “She is a hard worker and pushes herself to create unique and creative artwork.”
- Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.
First Published December 15, 2014, 5:00 a.m.