School Subject: Math
Extracurricular Activities: Soccer
Hobbies: Running
Car: Ford Mustang
Store: Dick’s Sporting Goods
Musical Artist: The Script
Movie: Elf
TV Show: The Middle
Cafeteria Food Must Have: Chicken nuggets
Last book read that wasn’t required: Born to Run
Pet Peeve: People who take up 2 spaces to park their cars
Person You’d Like to Meet: Albert Einstein
Person Most Admired: St. Vincent de Paul
Item Always In Your Locker: Water bottles
First Job: Math tutor
Top Accomplishment: All of my community service
After Graduation Plans: To study biomedical engineering at either the University of Toledo or the University of Michigan
Career Goal: To use my gifts and talents to help other people
Quote from teacher: “Every year, Henry has challenged himself with every honors and AP class available,” said Jennifer Foldvary, college counselor. “He has received several course awards for outstanding academics and was recently names a National Merit Commended Student. He is well respected by his teachers and peers. I am very proud of Henry’s accomplishments and look forward to hearing about his success in the coming years.”
- Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.
First Published December 22, 2014, 5:00 a.m.