School Subject: English
Extracurricular Activity: Volleyball, softball, National Honor Society, Class President
Hobbies: Traveling, volleyball and volunteering
Car: Black Cadillac CTS
Store: American Eagle or Pac Sun
Musical Artist: Twenty One Pilots
Movie: Iron Man or Mean Girls
TV Show: Grey’s Anatomy
Cafeteria food must have: Fruit
Last Book Read That Wasn’t Required: The Great Gatsby
Pet Peeve: People driving under the speed limit
Person You’d Like to Meet: Leonardo DiCaprio
Person Most Admired: All of those serving our country
Item always in your locker: Tic Tac and sticky notes
First Job: Jan’s ice Cream
Top Accomplishment: Principal’s list every semester since freshman year
After Graduation Plans: Go to college (Ohio State University, University of North Carolina, or the University of Toledo) and major in biology or health science
Career Goal: Pediatric Physician’s Assistant
Quote from teacher: “A pleasant smile is the typical greeting given by Megan,” said Dave Regnier, government teacher. “She is a delightful young lady who is loyal to family, school and God. Her integrity and sincerity are demonstrated in all of her activities.”
- Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.
First Published October 26, 2015, 4:00 a.m.