Want to enjoy a feast on Easter Sunday, but don’t want to cook? Here are some restaurants that will be open:
● Happy Rose Buffet, 5335 Airport Hwy., Toledo: 11 a.m.-10 p.m., more than 200 menu items from American, Chinese, and Japanese cuisines. $10.50 per person; 419-385-8989.
● Hathaway House, 424 W. Adrian St., Blissfield: 12-7 p.m., Easter dinner menu including leg of lamb, filet mignon, pan-seared duck breast, whitefish, appetizers, salads, homemade desserts, and wine and cocktail specials; prices vary; 517-486-2141.
● Holiday Inn French Quarter, 10630 Fremont Pike, Perrysburg: 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Easter brunch including breakfast dishes, buffet with carved beef and ham, chicken, salmon; shrimp cocktail; salads and side dishes; desserts; candy station; kids’ menu, beverages included. $23.99 for adults, $19.99 for seniors, $11.99 for kids 4-12, no charge for kids under 3; 419-874-3111.
● Main Street Stable & Tavern, 116 S. Main St., Blissfield: 11 a.m.-5 p.m., prime rib buffet including ham, salmon, chicken, side dishes, salads, and desserts. $21.95 for adults, $9.95 for kids 5-12, no charge for kids under 5; 517-486-2141
Beer ’n’ cookies
Who needs milk with cookies when you can have beer instead? On April 30, Doc Watson’s, 1515 S. Byrne Rd., will host a Beer and Girl Scout Cookie Pairing, $20 for six samples. For more information, call 419-389-6003.
Happy 100th
Velvet Ice Cream of Utica, Ohio, celebrates its 100th birthday on May 1. Founded in 1914 by Joseph Dager, four generations of the family have run the company. Special plans for the occasion include the launch of several new flavors, a Velvet Ice Cream cookbook, and free entertainment on Sundays for visitors to the headquarters at Ye Olde Mill. Mother’s Day will feature live entertainment and free carriage rides with mom. Velvet will also commemorate its 100th birthday with a celebration on May 26 during the annual Utica Ice Cream Festival (May 24-26). And on July 20, visitors can celebrate the company’s favorite holiday, National Ice Cream Day, with buy one-get-one-free ice cream cones at Ye Olde Mill.
Additional events and news will be added throughout the year. Details are at VelvetIceCream.com, on Twitter (@VelvetIceCream), and on Facebook (facebook.com/VelvetIceCream).
Send your food-related news for Morsels to food@theblade.com at least two weeks ahead of the event. Contact Mary Bilyeu at: mbilyeu@theblade.com or 419-724-6155.
First Published April 13, 2014, 4:00 a.m.