Band: The Cheeks.
Lineup: The band started in 2009 and has gone through several different lineups,we think this is the best one yet. Larry Quillen, lead and backing vocals; R. York, lead guitar; Larry Moskal, keyboards and vocals; Terry Miller, bass guitar and vocals; Jim O’Reilly, alto and tenor saxophones; Chuck Reno, drums and vocals.
Style Of Music: Rock ‘n’ roll! Dancing music!! The Cheeks are a freight train of music history, marking stops at Chuck Berry and Bob Seger, Motown to Bruno Mars, with many stops in between. We have over 140 of the best songs and lost classics in our pocket. The Cheeks throw one hell of a party!
Sounds A Little Like: We call it “The Soundtrack Of Our Lives!”
Influences: We could write a list a mile long, and still leave somebody off. The Six of us have many common influences, and if you really want to know who they are, all you have to do is come to a show. We will play a bunch of them for you. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery; well we flatter about 50 of them a night. Come and sing along!
Favorite Local Venue: The Bier Stube and Sneaky Petes' and any venue that loves live music.
Upcoming Shows: Friday and Dec. 2 at the Bier Stube; Dec. 10 at Sneaky Pete’s; Jan. 6 and Feb. 24 at the Bier Stube.
Web Sites: Booking information is available at both webpages:,
The Blade’s listing of clubs, live-music venues, and assorted things-to-do kicks off each week with a mini-feature on a band or a club. If you’re interested in being in this spot, here’s what you need to do:
If you’re a member of a band, we need the band’s name; lineup and instruments; the year the band formed; style of music; who you sound a little like; influences; favorite local venue; any CDs that have been released; booking contact information, and your website. Email the information along with a high-res jpeg that includes band member IDs to Olivia Herrera at
If you’re the owner of a club or a bar, we need: Name and address of the club and when it was established; name of the owner; what makes your place unique; origin of the club or bar’s name; type of music or entertainment you feature; clientele (typical age range); upcoming special events, and website if you have one, along with a high-res jpeg. Send information to Olivia Herrera at, and if you have any questions, call her at 419-724-6120.
If you’re the owner of a club or a bar and would like to promote your music acts, download the form at, or email, or call 419-724-6120 to request an emailable, mailable, or faxable form.
First Published October 27, 2016, 4:00 a.m.