School Subject: Biology
Extracurricular Activity: Tennis
Hobbies: Running
Car: Lamborghini Aventador
Store: Express
Musical Artist: Meek Mill
Movie: Rush Hour 3
TV Show: Stronger Things
Cafeteria food must have: Pizza
Last Book Read That Wasn’t Required: Harry Potter
Person You’d Like to Meet: Ron Gronkowski
Person Most Admired: My parents
Item always in your locker: Gum
First Job: J.C. Penney
Top Accomplishment: 2nd at States for Public Forum
After Graduation Plans: Attend college to major in neuroscience
Career Goal: Pharmacology
Quote from teacher: “Billy is a dedicated and talented student,” said Lisa Sobb, Spanish teacher. “His work is always completed to the highest degree possible and he works tirelessly to improve himself and his skills in class.”
- Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.
First Published November 21, 2016, 5:00 a.m.