Elmwood baseball coach Kyle Reiser is photographed throughout the years.
Photos and clips seen in this gallery have been requested by readers for digitization development from our archives to be made available for reprint purchase.
Most contemporary photo reprints (produced post 2001) in general may be purchased at toledoblade.com within the stories themselves.
You can locate the story you want typically by looking up the people, subjects, or institutions through Google by including "toledo blade" with your search, or within toledoblade.com in the site's own search feature.
Within a story, the image at the top may be clicked on to see it and other photos. You may scroll through photos if there are more than one, and when you are at the photo of interest to you, click "Buy Image" at the end of the caption.
It may take a moment to load, but then our photo reprint service FotoMoto's interface will allow you to select size, quantity, finish, etc.
If you would like to request an archive photo, article, and/or newspaper page be digitized and made available for reprint, please see thebladevault.com or contact Phillip L. Kaplan, 419.724.6210.
First Published March 7, 2024, 12:00 p.m.