Owners take their dogs on a walk during the B.A.R.K. Ranger program at Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge in Oak Harbor on July 6.

Ask the Vet: Ease pets into warm weather activity


Ask the Vet: Ease pets into warm weather activity

Unfortunately, when I started writing this column it was 65 degrees and sunny outside, so I apologize if the topic seems out of touch for our current stretch of weather.

However, spring will eventually work its way back into our part of the world and hopefully you will have taken my previous advice about exercising with your dog to help improve his health and work to get some of the winter weight off. You may be tempted to get out on the first warm day and play fetch until your dog trips over this tongue, but that may do more harm than good. With any exercise plan you need to ease into increasing activity for your dog to avoid injuries and set everyone up for rewarding spring, summer, and fall.

If your dog has not been as active over the winter and you are looking to start getting outside, I recommend beginning with short walks around the block to determine your dog’s fitness level. They may enthusiastically charge ahead, but if you notice your dog panting excessively in cooler weather or starting to lag behind you on the walk, it is a signal that his fitness level is not where it should be and take a short break prior to heading back home.


Multiple short walks will improve your dog’s base fitness level with a lower risk of tiring out. Increasing time and distance by about ten percent a week will give him a chance to acclimate to increasing activity and build fitness. Some older large-breed dogs may be affected with a progressive neurologic disorder that interferes with the function of the voice box, called the larynx, at the top of trachea and air will not move through the upper airway as effectively. This can lead to overheating or collapse if you are not careful. If you notice your older dog’s breathing is noisier than in years past, visit your veterinarian to make sure your dog is able to start an exercise program.

A dachshund named Maggie awaits treatment in the hyperbaric chamber at the University of Florida's College of Veterinary Medicine, in Gainesville, Fla., in 2013.
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Some dogs will play fetch for hours and this can be a great way to get exercise for your pet without heading out on the leash. You need to be careful to avoid injury if fetch hasn’t been in the repertoire all winter. Dog’s pads on the bottom of the feet need to toughen and if your dog is running on rough surfaces or doing a lot of starting and stopping, the outer layer of the pads can literally be torn off. This exposes very sensitive tissue underneath and your poor dog will be in pain with every step for some time.

Start with throwing the toy over shorter distances and on soft surfaces to allow for the tissue to thicken and eventually tolerate longer play sessions on harder surfaces. Also watch for any recurring or new limping which may indicate an underlying orthopedic condition. If the limp persists for more than 24 hours or returns with any increase in activity, have your dog evaluated by your veterinarian. Regular exercise is great for your dog’s mental and physical health and you may be excited to get outside and enjoy some nice weather, but ease your dog into higher activity levels so you both can enjoy the rest of the year.

Questions for Dr. Gary Thompson can be emailed to or mailed to The Blade, Attn. Ask the Vet, 541 N. Superior St. Toledo, OH., 43660. Dr. Thompson regrets that he cannot answer individual letters.


First Published March 23, 2025, 10:00 a.m.

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Owners take their dogs on a walk during the B.A.R.K. Ranger program at Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge in Oak Harbor on July 6.  (THE BLADE/REBECCA BENSON)  Buy Image
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