In this file photo dated July 10, 1980, Blade staff work with what was titled then,

Monday Memories: A look inside The Blade newsroom over the years


Monday Memories: A look inside The Blade newsroom over the years

As with the rest of society, technology at The Blade has changed significantly since its founding in the mid 19th century. In this file photo from July 10, 1980, we see Blade staff working with what we titled then, “new automation.”

These machines, half word processor and half computer, were new for the time and cordoned off to one corner of the newsroom, which remained dominated by electric typewriters and some word processors. As you can surmise from the facial expressions of the operators, the machines were met with varying degrees of skepticism and fear, as well as adaptation and eminent domain.

Today the only typewriters we have are relics kept on warehouse shelves for ornamentation like old trophies. A particularly sleek Royal model bears a laminated ticket on it revealing it to be the machine carried with the reporter The Blade sent to Japan to cover Ronald Reagan’s historic visit in 1983. 


While the stories we can cover and the machines that do so in the field and in our newsroom have changed dramatically during the nearly 100 years we have been at 541 N. Superior St., some things are remarkably the same. The third floor still produces all the news, the first floor handles the advertising, and the second floor is a mishmash of marketing, administration, and production. The iconic 3-story vaulted arch windows along the north side of building facing Orange Street still flood natural light into workspaces. 

In this Aug. 29, 1988, Blade photo, a dozen-plus guests are dressed and excited for what would be a memorable three-hour culinary experience at Fifi’s Restaurant: a recreation of the seven-course French meal in the Oscar-winning Danish film, 'Babette’s Feast.' Recreating the feast in restaurants nationwide, including Fifi's, proved to be a popular marketing strategy for Orion Pictures, the U.S. distributor of 'Babette’s Feast.'
Kirk Baird
Monday Memories: A movie 'feast' becomes a savory reality

The on-site press here went quiet in 2014, and there are no more pneumatic tubes or carbon copy markups. And you can’t smoke at your desk.

But writers, photographers, and artists still hustle to submit work to editors who hustle to get it sent to production, now in mostly digital content management systems, but also for print production. There’s still a City Desk for local news, Features for arts and entertainment, Sports, and the Editorial staff to rouse with opinion. They still create the published material that appears to you in sections of the newspaper, on the website, in our daily eBlade edition, and in Blade NewsSlide. 

This year has given us no shortage of news globally, nationally, and locally, which we still publish considering local impact first, then national, and then global.


Go to​memories to purchase more historical photos taken by our award-winning staff of photographers, past and present, or to purchase combinations of stories and photos.

First Published July 13, 2020, 10:00 a.m.

In this file photo from July 16, 1980, from left, Nancy Reagan, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Barbara Bush wave to the crowd at the Republican National Convention in Detroit.
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In this file photo published May 10, 1960, New York City NAACP program director James Farmer, right, with Ronald Weston, middle, a University of Toledo junior, and Roger Minkoff, a Bowling Green sophomore, discuss their rally that raised $2,200 to aid in the defense of southern students who were arrested, jailed, and sentenced for their roles in lunch counter sit-in demonstrations, which aimed to end segregation.
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In this file photo taken Aug. 31, 1990, the crowd surges to the sounds of classic rock band REO Speedwagon at Rally by the River in downtown Toledo at Promenade Park. The band took the stage around 6 p.m., but some attendees staked out their spots as early as 11 a.m.
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In this file photo published May 27, 1953, Toledo artist Israel Abramofsky presents an oil painting to the Frederick Douglas Community Center to adorn the music room that was opened the night before. Homer J. Moody views the work that he was a subject for some 17 years prior.
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In this file photo published June 16, 1963, a Toledo Blade Sunday Pictorial about babysitting captioned the image,
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In this file photo dated July 10, 1980, Blade staff work with what was titled then, "new automation." These models, half word processor and half computer, were new for the time and cordoned off to one corner of the newsroom, which remained dominated by electric typewriters and some word processors.  (THE BLADE/TOM O'REILLY)  Buy Image
In this file photo dated May 1982, Blade staff work with what was titled then, "new automation." These models, half word processor and half computer, were new for the time and cordoned off to one corner of the newsroom, which remained dominated by electric typewriters and some word processors.  (THE BLADE/DON SIMMONS)  Buy Image
Toledo Blade newsroom, June 26,1985.  (THE BLADE/DON SIMMONS)  Buy Image
In this file photo from the summer of 1967, Blade staff work in the newsroom with a dizzying array of typewriters, coffee, and cigarettes.  (THE BLADE/TOM O'REILLY)  Buy Image
The Blade building at 541 N. Superior, with its iconic 3-story vaulted arch windows that still flood natural light into the first floor Advertising Dept.  (THE BLADE)  Buy Image
In this file photo dated Nov. 30, 1946, a diagram shows how The Blade's staff was configured to work together expediently to produce the news.  (THE BLADE)  Buy Image
Toledo Blade Newsroom, Editorial Dept. Photo dated Dec. 11,1946.  (THE BLADE)  Buy Image
Blade newsroom May 5, 2013. Al Ponzio in the foreground works to produce the newspaper layout.  (The Blade/Lori King)  Buy Image
Pittsburgh skyline silhouette
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