SANDUSKY — Cedar Point gave a sneak peek of its newest roller coaster today, with more than 1,000 roller coaster enthusiasts from across the Untied States on hand to ride the winged coaster.
The ride, called GateKeeper, cost $26 million and is Cedar Point's first new coaster since 2007.
GateKeeper is unique in that it is a "winged" coaster designed to give riders a sense of flying. Riders are strapped into seats that stretch out from a center track.
Watch Blade reporter Tyrel Linkhorn ride the GateKeeper
"It's an incredible experience. Very fast." said John Hildebrandt, Vice President and General Manager of Cedar Point. "You really are flying. It does feel weird, I think, to look down, and not see a track there."
The coaster, which is 170 feet tall, reaches speeds up to 67 miles per hour.
Cedar Point opens to the public Saturday.
First Published May 9, 2013, 9:33 p.m.