EA Sports now holds the official license of the NFL, which means it's the only "real" game in town. If you want to play as actual NFL teams, you no longer have a choice of titles.
Some years, I think this franchise has snuck by with minor tweaks and roster upgrades. But the "Quarterback Vision" and "Precision Passing" features really sold me on this year's Madden. It's a tricky - but ultrarealistic - passing system to get used to that you'll either love or hate. (It's worth mentioning that it IS an option you can turn off.)
The "Superstar mode" is another great addition that allows you to create a player and launch his career and style right down to his personal grooming. To me, the exclusive NFL contract wasn't necessary - I'd buy Madden anyway. Madden '06 offers enough tweaks and additions to make it well worth the upgrade and I can't wait to see this title on the 360.
First Published August 20, 2005, 1:24 p.m.