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One of America's Great Newspapers ~ Toledo, Ohio


1913 Ohio Flood Gallery


The Great Flood of 1913. This check represented the Balance of the Commerce Club Fnd after all bills had been paid, and after $13,000 in smaller donations had already been sent to Toledo's stricken neighbors.

Toledo Blade archive photo


Fire at State and evee Streets in Columbus, OH during the Great Flood of 1913. Toledo Blade archive photo

Toledo Blade archive photo


The Great Flood of 1913. Columbus,OH.

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Provisions for flood sufferers being handed out in Dayton,OH.

Toledo Blade archive photo


Dayton,OH., after the Great Flood of 1913 Third near Jefferson.

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Launching a big motor boat for rescue work in Dayton,OH during the Great Flood of 1913. Photo dated March 31, 1913 by American Press Association.

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Traxler's store, in Dayton, with half of building swept away.

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The Great Flood of 1913. Dayton,OH. Toledo Blade archive photo

Toledo Blade archive photo


Reed Shoe Company on Main Street in Dayton

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Soldiers guarding wrecked jewery store in Dayton Ohio March 31, 1913 American Press Association.

Toledo Blade archive photo


The Great Flood of 1913. Dayton,OH Third near Jefferson, part of district swept by fire.

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Street car overturned and wrecked by flood at Third and Main Streets.

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Chicago Tribune photo of rescue work in Dayton,OH during the great flood of 1913.

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A rescue scene in Dayton,OH.

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Historic post card of the flood in Delaware, OH.

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The Great Flood of 1913. City unknown.

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This 1913 photo shows the destruction at East Third and Jefferson Streets after the flood in Dayton, Ohio.



This 1913 photo shows The Inn on West Second Street in Dayton, Ohio during the 1913 flood.



This 1913 photo shows water rushing through downtown Dayton, Ohio during the 1913 flood.



This 1913 photo shows rescuers carrying a woman from the 1913 Dayton floodwaters in Dayton, Ohio. State officials are using the 100th anniversary of a devastating flood to encourage Ohioans to prepare for potential high water emergencies by reviewing their response plans and insurance coverage. On the heels of the state and national Flood Safety Awareness Week, Saturday, March 23, 2013, marks the centennial of the 1913 storms that flooded every Ohio river and 35,000 homes and led to hundreds of deaths. (AP Photo/Dayton Daily News)



Associated Press photo of horses swimming in the flood waters of the flood of 1913. Toledo Blade archive photo

Toledo Blade archive photo


Picture postcard of North Main Street in Lima,OH., where the water at the highest was 7feet deep and the current was 10 miles an hour. Toledo Blade archive photo

Toledo Blade archive photo


An emergency rail track was laid from the dry level of Madison St. to the Water St, power plant for carrying coal and supplies to the plant after the great flood of 1913. Toledo Stock Paper Co., building is in the background. Toledo Blade archive photo.

Toledo Blade archive photo


Water Street in downtown Toledo,OH after the great flood of 1913. The power plant is shown in the background. Toledo Blade archive photo

Toledo Blade archive photo


Dock of the old White Star Lines at Adams and Water Street was surrounded by the flood waters during the great flood of 1913. Toledo Blade archive photo

Toledo Blade archive photo


Rampaging floods which swept through Ohio in March,1913, caused millions of dollars of damage and took hundreds of lives.They also inundated parts of Toledo,although this city was one of few to escape serious damage. Boats, such as the one above photographed on Water St. looking south from near Adams St., were used for what rescue work was needed locally. This photograph first appeared in The Blade on Mar. 26. 1913. Toledo Blade archive photo

Toledo Blade archive photo


Most of the 1913 flood damage in Toledo was confined to two general areas: along Water St. and along the Swan Creek valley district. Looking north at Madison Ave. and Water St., the Toledo Edison Power Plant is seen on the right with the rear of Hotel Niagara and Kobacher's Furniture Store is visible on the left. Water in the Maumee River reached a depth of more than 26 feet here. Toledo Blade archive photo

Toledo Blade archive photo


Toledoans contributed more than $25,000 in food, clothing and money for flood relief in other Ohio commnitites. Railroad transportation was soon restored and aid sent to Dayton, Columbus .Fremont, Tiffin,Defiance,Findlay and other flood-striken communities. This picture was taken at the corner of Summit St. And Madison Ave. Toledo Blade archive photo

Toledo Blade archive photo

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