A few wrestling mats and medicine balls are all that remain at the old gym.
The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Former University of Toledo wrestlers John Cowell, Archbold, left, and Tom Tolford, Swanton, page through scrap books near a drawing of a young Dick Torio.
The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Torio Health Club is closing after more than 50 years in Toledo.
The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Former University of Toledo wrestlers John Cowell, Archbold, left, and Tom Tolford, Swanton, page through scrap books near a drawing of a young Dick Torio.
The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Friends and family of Dick Torio enjoy a final sendoff for Torio Health Club.
The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Chuck Sallah, left, and Jerry Jaffe, right, pose for a photograph.
The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Dick Torio, left, jokes with Jon Richardson, Toledo.
The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Stacks of before and after photos occupy a table as Dick Torio holds court during a final sendoff for his Torio Health Club.
The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Bob Businger, left, and Dick Torio reminisce as they look at photo of themselves and the rest of the 1949 YMCA weightlifting team.
The Blade/Andy Morrison
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