From left are co-host Jerry Anderson, Best of Show presenter Chrys Peterson, co-host Michael Seay, and Judge's Choice presenter Kaiko Zureich at the ADDY Awards.
Photo by Jeremy Allen

Dan Weeks, Silver Medal Award Winner, thanks everyone during the ADDY Awards.
Photo by Jeremy Allen

From left: Allan Block, John Fedderke, Mary Fedderke, and Susan Allan Block at a birthday celebration for Scott Ciolek, owner of Bleak House Coffee.
Photo by Kara Fallon

Kirk and Dede Kovaks at a birthday celebration for Scott Ciolek.
Photo by Kara Fallon

From left: Robin Steele, Nate Syrek, Dana Syrek, and Dajana Lucic at Bleak House Coffee.
Photo by Kara Fallon

Scott Ciolek, left, owner of Bleak House Coffee, was surprised with a birthday party in his honor. With him is Rachel Steele.
Photo by Kara Fallon

Dr. Tim Quinn, Toledo Radiological Associates; Debbie Knight, a breast cancer survivor who dropped the ceremonial hockey puck, and Dr. Malcolm Doyle, Toledo Radiological Associates, enjoy the Pink in the Rink night.

Teresa McHugh, Komen Board President, Chrys Peterson, Mary Westphal, Komen Executive Director and Charlie Soto, Komen Board Member.

From left are Dominic Pisanti, Hannah Duschl, Kaitlyn Schroeder, Michael Pisanti, Kristen Mollenkpof, and Isabella Pisanti at Pink in the Rink at the Huntington Center. The Pisanti children's mother Marcia is a cancer survivor. Isabella rode the Zamboni in her honor.

The ice was colored pink for Pink in the Rink at the Huntington Center.

Isabella Pisanti at Pink in the Rink at the Huntington Center.

Maggie and Phil Bollin in front of the bar, and Ken and Laurie Walters, behind the bar at a winter party hosted by Scott and Melissa Kelly, on Feb. 28 at Maumee Wines. Blade photo by Barbara Hendel
The Blade/Barbara Hendel
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David Eriksen, who retired recently, with wife Mary at a winter party hosted by Scott and Melissa Kelly.
The Blade/Barbara Hendel
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Maumee Wines manager Richard Fortney whipped up some luscious edibles at a winter party hosted by Scott and Melissa Kelly.
The Blade/Barbara Hendel
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Pete Carella holds a bottle of wine.
The Blade/Barbara Hendel
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Scott and Melissa Kelly hosted a winter party with friends, on Feb. 28 at Maumee Wines.
The Blade/Barbara Hendel
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Connie Sanford, left, and Kasey Dettinger were checking out the merchandise at a winter party at Maumee Wines.
The Blade/Barbara Hendel
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Scott and Melissa Kelly hosted a winter party with friends at Maumee Wines.
The Blade/Barbara Hendel
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Chocolate covered strawberries.
The Blade/Barbara Hendel
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From left are, Lisa Kelly, Robert Joyce, and Marcia Kelly Mandly.
The Blade/Barbara Hendel
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