Gang members "Kidd", left, and "King Chaos", right, who are incarcerated at Lucas County Correctional Treatment Facility, work on identifying gang territories for a "gang map" for The Blade.
The Blade/Amy E. Voigt
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"Maniac", who is incarcerated at Lucas County Correctional Treatment Facility, works on identifying gang territories for a "gang map" for The Blade. The "600" tattoo on "Maniacs" hand refers to the 600 block of Fernwood Ave, a street in the territory claimed by the Lil Head gang.
The Blade/Amy E. Voigt
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"Maniac", who is incarcerated at Lucas County Correctional Treatment Facility, works on identifying gang territories for a "gang map" for The Blade.
The Blade/Amy E. Voigt
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"Maniac", front, who is incarcerated at Lucas County Correctional Treatment Facility, works with other gang members and inmates on identifying gang territories for a "gang map."
The Blade/Amy E. Voigt
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