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Bingle ordained by Womenpriests


Rev. Beverly Bingle, Roman Catholic Womenpriests Great Waters Region, during Mass.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Rev. Sydney Condray, of Toledo, left; deacon Ann Klonowski, Rev. Beverly Bingle, and Rev. Joan Houk, bishop, Roman Catholic Womenpriests.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Bishop Joan Houk, of Wexford, Pa., left, and Sydney Condray, of Toledo, during the laying on of hands on Rev. Beverly Bingle.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Bishop Marcis Heckman, presiding bishop for the Holy Cross Reformed Catholic Church in Toledo, lays his hands on Rev. Beverly Bingle during the laying on of hands of the ordained by the congregation.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Bishop Joan Houk laying on hands during the ordination of priest Beverly Bingle.

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Rev. Sydney Condray, of Toledo, left; deacon Ann Klonowski, Rev. Beverly Bingle, and Rev. Joan Houk, bishop, Roman Catholic Womenpriests Great Waters Region, during Mass.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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The congregation rises as one with the ordination of Rev. Beverly Bingle.

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Bishop Joan Houk, of Wexford, Pa., left, Rev. Beverly Bingle, and Rev. Elsie McGrath, of St. Louis, after Beverly Bingle is ordained as a priest.

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Rev. Beverly Bingle, left, after receiving the stole and chasuble from her cousin, Bill Bingle.

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Rev. Barbara Zeman, of Chicago, left, and Rev. Cheryl Bristol, of Morenci, Michigan, lay their hands on deacon Ann Klonowski, left and back to camera, and Rev. Beverly Bingle, right and back to camera.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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The church joins n the laying on of hands during the ordination of deacon Ann Klonowski.

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Rev. Beverly Bingle, Roman Catholic Womenpriests Great Waters Region, during Mass.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Rev. Elsie McGrath, of St. Louis, left, hands the New Testament to deacon Ann Klonowski.

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Bishop Joan Houk laying on hands during the ordination of deacon Ann Klonowski.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Bishop Marcis Heckman, presiding bishop for the Holy Cross Reformed Catholic Church in Toledo, during the ceremony.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Beverly Bingle before her investiture as a priest.

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Beverly Bingle during the ceremony.

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Ann Klonowski during the ceremony where she was ordained as a deacon.

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Bishop Joan Houk during the homily.

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Beverly Bingle, closer to the altar, and Ann Klonowski before their investitures.

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Deacon Beverly Bingle, front, and Bishop Joan Houk, rear, during the ceremony.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Beverly Bingle, left, during her investiture as a priest by Bishop Joan Houk.

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Rev. Beverly Bingle, left and Rev. Joan Houk, bishop, Roman Catholic Womenpriests Great Waters Region, during Mass.

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Deacon Beverly Bingle during the ceremony.

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"All Are Welcome", is sung by the entire congregation during the Processional.

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Rev. Beverly Bingle, right and in front, in the Recessional.Behind her is Bishop Joan Houk.

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Rev. Joan Houk, bishop, Roman Catholic Womenpriests Great Waters Region, during Mass.

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Rev. Beverly Bingle, left, giving communion to Celia Johnson, right, of Bowling Green.

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Rev. Sydney Condray, of Toledo, left; deacon Ann Klonowski, Rev. Beverly Bingle, and Rev. Joan Houk, bishop, Roman Catholic Womenpriests Great Waters Region, during Mass.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Rev. Beverly Bingle, left, and Rev. Joan Houk, bishop, Roman Catholic Womenpriests Great Waters Region, during Mass.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Rev. Sydney Condray, of Toledo, left; deacon Ann Klonowski, Rev. Beverly Bingle, and Rev. Joan Houk, bishop, Roman Catholic Womenpriests Great Waters Region, during Mass.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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