Spencer Shully, left, receives a hug and a Good Samaritan Award from Mark Manifold, right, during the 50th annual Hero Awards Banquet.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Toledo Firefighter Kyle Romstadt accepts an Award of Heroism from Dennis McMickens, President and CEO of the Safety Council of Northwest Ohio, during the 50th annual Hero Awards Banquet Thursday at The Pinnacle in Maumee. Mr. Romstadt rescued another firefighter from a burning building.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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WTOL's Kristi Leigh introduces award winners during the 50th annual Hero Awards Banquet.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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The 50th annual Hero Awards Banquet at The Pinnacle in Maumee. The non-profit Safety Council of Northwest Ohio presented the awards to civilian area residents and members of law enforcement who help others in a way that rises above the usual expectations.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Brenda Kinner accepts an Award of Heroism from Dennis McMickens, President and CEO of the Safety Council of Northwest Ohio, during the 50th annual Hero Awards Banquet Thursday at The Pinnacle in Maumee. Ms. Kinner was awarded for helping victims who had been involved in an automobile accident.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Spencer Shully, left, receives a Good Samaritan Award from Mark Manifold, right, during the 50th annual Hero Awards Banquet. Mr. Shully and Cameron Karves (not pictured) stopped to help Mr. Manifold after he was involved in a motorcycle accident.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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"I love these guys. They got me back to my family," boxer Tommy Bagnasco, center, said as he thanked the members of the Toledo Fire Department for saving his life during the 50th annual Hero Awards Banquet. The firefighters were attending a boxing match when Mr. Bagnasco was knocked out and his breathing began to slow. They preformed CPR and called paramedics.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Sandusky Police Officer Natalie Ross smiles as she accepts her Certificate of Appreciation for saving a young child from being struck by a car during the 50th annual Hero Awards Banquet at The Pinnacle in Maumee.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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The Phoenix Academy School Resource Officer Chris Podzinski, right, thanks the members of the school staff who were given Good Samaritan Awards for working together to save Mr. Podzinski's life.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Anthony Yancey, left, shakes the hand of WTOL's Kristi Leigh he and Michael LaPoint, center, were presented with their Good Samaritan Awards. The men helped to stabilize a coworker who was injured.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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