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High School

High School Baseball: Whitmer vs. Start


Start's Austin Baker waits for the throw as Whitmer's Jack Linch scores during the City League baseball championship at UT's Scott Park.

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Whitmer's third baseman Jack Linch makes a diving catch during game against Start during the City League baseball championship.

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Whitmer's Jack Linch misses the tag, allowing Start's Marty Ramirez to safely steal third base.

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Start's Austin Suiter tries to create a triple from his hit but was tagged out at third by Whitmer's Jack Linch.

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Start's Austin Suiter tries to create a triple from his hit but was tagged out at third by Whitmer's Jack Linch, during the City League baseball championship.

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Start pitcher Andrew Lepiarz watches his team hit during the City League baseball championship at UT's Scott Park in Toledo. He was called in to pitch near the end of the game.

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Whitmer's Steven Aldrich makes it to first safely after Start's first baseman Marty Hall bobbles the ball.

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Whitmer's Steven Aldrich makes it to first safely after Start's first baseman Marty Hall bobbles the ball.

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Whitmer's Jack Linch watches the ump for a verdict as catcher Start's Austin Baker holds the ball, during the City League baseball championship.

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Whitmer runs out to the plate to greet Jack Linch, who hit a 3-run homer during the City League baseball championship at UT's Scott Park.

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Start first baseman Marty Hall hangs his head after bobbling a throw to first base during the City League baseball championship game against Whitmer.

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Start's Austin Suiter strikes out to make the second out at the top of the seventh inning during the City League baseball championship game against Whitmer.

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Whitmer's Brett Gates, left, and Steven Aldrich pour ice water over their coach Gary O'Connor's head after they defeated Start to win the City League baseball championship at UT's Scott Park.

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Whitmer catcher Tyler LaFountain is hugged by head coach Gary O'Connor after they defeated Start to capture the City League baseball championship.

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Whitmer's Alex Ricica is awarded MVP after his team defeated Start to capture the City League baseball championship at UT's Scott Park.

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Whitmer's Jack Linch hops on the plate as he's greeted by his team after hitting the winning 3-run homer against Start.

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Whitmer catcher Steven Aldrich, left, and first baseman Chris Reaper, right, pick up winning pitcher Alex Ricica seconds after defeating Start for the City League baseball championship.

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Whitmer winning pitcher Alex Ricica, third from right, is picked up by his team seconds after defeating Start for the City League baseball championship.

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Whitmer's Tyler Davis tries to get the celebration balloons to fly away after Whitmer defeated Start 10-8 during the City League baseball championship.

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