"In The Swim For The Summer: IT's THAT TIME of year agian. Hot blue skies with just the right number of fluffy white clouds wafting over, trees bushy and greem, and a cool, inviting pool — midwinter's daydream come true. Enjoying the sun and fun are lifeguard Barbara Lynn Gree and a number of howling, splashing youngsters in Highland Park Pool." June 27, 1967.
THE BLADE/James R. Gordon
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"No Sooner Filled Than Used: THE NEW $137,000 junior swimming pool in Hihgland Park opened yesterday and these boys and girls wasted no time taking advantage of the South Toledo installation. Dedication will be tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. The pool was fnanced by the municpal payroll-income tax, and completion was delayed three weeks by a strike against building supply firms. The lifeguard is Joan Wadsworth." July 26, 1951
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Highland Park Pool with youngsters on a swing set in the playground. MONDAY MEMORIES. June 21, 1965
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Highland Park Pool, July 22, 1969.
THE BLADE/Don Strayer
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Highland Park Pool high dive line up. July 15, 1977
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Highland Park Pool repairs, July 22, 1969
THE BLADE/Don Strayer
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Highland Park Pool on Opening Day, Monday, June 20, 1966
THE BLADE/Lee Merkle
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TEAMWORK: These youngsters take time out from swimming and pitch in to get a merry-g-round whirling on the playground at Highland Park. With the hot and humid weather of late, the children no doubt were back in the pool before long, getting rid of the body heat and perspiration produced by their exertions." July 27, 1979
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Highland Park Pool under construction April 16, 1969
THE BLADE/Bruce Sinner
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Highland Park Pool June 16, 1987
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Highland Park Pool, waiting in line for the high dive diving board. July 20, 1971
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