Saturday, Jun 29, 2024
One of America's Great Newspapers ~ Toledo, Ohio

High School

IN PICTURES: D-I wrestling


Perrysburg's Mario Guillen, right, fights off a late takedown attempt by Alan Hart of Lakewood St. Edward to preserve a 1-0 win during their 126-pound final match.

The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Perrysburg's Mario Guillen, right, works for a takedown against Alan Hart of Lakewood St. Edward during their 126-pound final match. Guillen won 1-0.

The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Clay's Matt Stencel reacts after being defeated by Jared Campbell of Lakewood St. Edward during their 220-pound final match.

The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Clay's Matt Stencel, right, scrambles for a takedown with Jared Campbell of Lakewood St. Edward during their 220-pound final match. Campbell won.

The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Clay's Matt Stencel, bottom, tries to avoid getting turned by Jared Campbell of Lakewood St. Edward during their 220-pound final match. Campbell won.

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Clay's Matt Stencel, right, scrambles for a takedown with Jared Campbell of Lakewood St. Edward during their 220-pound final match.

The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Perrysburg's Moises Guillen, right, tries to takedown Hunter Ladnier of Lakewood St. Edward during their 138-pound final match. Ladnier won 9-1.

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Perrysburg's Moises Guillen fights off his back against Hunter Ladnier of Lakewood St. Edward during their 138-pound final match. Ladnier won 9-1.

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Perrysburg's Brock Jones, bottom, tries to escape from Antwon Pugh of Copley during their 145-pound final match. Pugh won 6-3.

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Clay's Nick Henneman gives up back points to Noah Baughman of Wadsworth during their 120-pound final match. Baughman won 10-3.

The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Clay's Nick Henneman is taken down by Noah Baughman of Wadsworth during their 120-pound final match. Baughman won 10-3.

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Anthony Wayne's Caleb Yates lets out a scream as his knee is twisted by Logan Heil of Brunswick during their 113-pound match for third place. Yates won 6-3.

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Anthony Wayne's Caleb Yates top, tries to take Logan Heil of Brunswick during their 113-pound match for third place. Yates won 6-3.

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Perrysburg's Khryon Vidales, left, works for a takedown against Luke Baughman of Watdsworth during their 132-pound match for third place. Vidales won 7-5.

The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Clay's Zach Brown looks to take down Jared Leidich of Lakewood St. Edward during their 170-pound match for fifth place. Brown won.

The Blade/Andy Morrison
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