Maggie Bottorff, 78, of Ottawa Hills, center, laughs during the new line dancing class.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Art Shaffer, 71, of Delta, center, goes over the dancing steps.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Maggie Bottorff, 78, of Ottawa Hills, left, jokes with Diane Armstrong, 60, of Ottawa Lake.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Seniors move through the steps together during the new line dancing class.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Art Shaffer, 71, of Delta, left, goes over the dancing steps.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Bill Teaderman, 85, of Sylvania, center, joined in during the new line dancing class.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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John Staab, 75, of Maumee, center, joins in during the new line dancing class.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Art Shaffer, 71, of Delta, goes over the dancing steps.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Patsy Homer, 66, of Maumee, center, laughs in between steps.
The Blade/Katie Rausch
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