Wednesday, Jul 31, 2024
One of America's Great Newspapers ~ Toledo, Ohio

Ohio State

NCAA women's basketball at Stroh Center


UC Santa Barbara head coach Carlene Mitchell watches her team during its game against Baylor.

Blade/Jetta Fraser


Baylor's Makenzie Robertson fouls UCSB's Sweets Underwood late in the second half.

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Florida's Lanita Bartley, left, and Deana Allen, tie up Ohio State's Tayler Hill.

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Ohio State's Tayler Hill drives toward the basket against Florida

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The UC Santa Barbara band made the trip from California to see the Gauchos take on Baylor.

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Ohio State's Tayler Hill drives toward the basket in front of Florida's Azania Stewart.

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Baylor's Brittney Griner pivots towards the basket against UC Santa Barabara.

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UC Santa Barbara's Nicole Nesbit is defended by Baylor's Brittney Griner, rear, and Destiny Williams.

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Baylor's Brittney Griner (42) and Jordan Madden (3) guard UC Santa Barbara's Melissa Zornig.

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Baylor's Brittney Griner grabs the ball over UC Santa Barbara's Kirsten Tilleman.

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Baylor's Brittney Griner blocks the shot of UC Santa Barbara's Destini Mason. Griner had three blocks in the 21 minutes in which she played.

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Baylor fans hold up signs of star player Brittney Griner at Bowling Green's Stroh Center.

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Ohio State's Ashley Adams shoots over Florida's Azania Stewert in the first half.

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Ohio State's Samantha Prahalis shoots over Florida's Jordan Jones and Amber Stokes (3).

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Ohio State's Samantha Prahalis drives toward the basket against Florida's defense.

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Che'Mari Truax, 10, of Perrysburg gives one of the referees water during a timeout.

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Ohio State's Kalpana Beach, and Ashley Adams (33) try to stop Florida's Jennifer George from shooting.

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The Stroh Center saw 4,195 fans in attendance to see Ohio State play Florida in NCAA women's tournament action.

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Ohio State's Tayler Hill struggles with Florida's Jennifer George for possession of the ball.

Blade/Jetta Fraser


Baylor coach Kim Mulkey instructs her team during the game.

Blade/Jetta Fraser


UC Santa Barbara's Sweets Underwood splits Baylor defenders Makenzie Robertson, left, and Ashley Field.

Blade/Jetta Fraser


Baylor's Sune Agbuke blocks UC Santa Barbara's Destini Mason late in the game.

Blade/Jetta Fraser

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