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Naturalization ceremony


Judge Jeffrey J. Helmick speaking during the ceremony. Forty-four people from 22 countries become United States citizens in a naturalization proceeding held at Sauder Village in Archbold on Saturday.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Tatianne Montenegro Obradovic, speaking to the new citizens about her experiences in the United States. From Brazil, she came to the U.S. to learn to be a Christian youth minister, as there were few such educational opportunities at home. At right is Steve Van Sickle.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Madison Klinepeter, 5, of Bryan, at the ceremony in which her mom, Evelyn Ballerda Klinepeter, originally from the Philippines, becomes a citizen.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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The Honorable Jeffrey J. Helmick, of the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Ohio Western Division, presiding over the ceremony.

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Kris Jemmott, of Sauder Village, welcomes all to the ceremony.

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Members of the Fulton County Honor Guard present the colors after the opening of the court.

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Narayan Sharma, left, Judge Jeffrey J. Helmick, and Pramila Sharma, right with the Sharma's children Prakitshya, 7, and Prakit, 3. The Sharmas live in Bowling Green.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Sonia Hope Allen, originally from the United Kingdom, right and front, Duha Subhi Alobaid, Syria; Samia Mohammad Alqaisi, Jordan; and Ibironke Olayemi Badmus, Nigeria, receive their certifications of citizenship during the ceremony.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Tom Koppin, and the Village Strings perform during the ceremony.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Michael Allen, of Lima, and his daughters Lydia, left, and Emily, sing the U.S. National Anthem during the ceremony. They are there with Sonia Hope Allen, originally from the United Kingdom, as she becomes a citizen. She is Michael's wife and the children's mom.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Kenneth Ernest Cooper, of the United Kingdon, left, and Carmen Remedios Inigo, of the Philippines, right, make the Oath of Allegiance to become citizens of the United States.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Kathryn Kelly, 2.5, of Lima, after the ceremony in which her dad, Craig Maurice Kelly, became a U.S. citizen. [Craig Kelly is also a Canadian citizen, as is she, as they both have dual citizenship.]

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Narayan Sharma, of Bhutan, spent over 15 years as a refugee in Nepal before arriving in the U.S.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Luis Enrique Garcia Leon, originally from Mexico, during the ceremony in which he became a U.S. citizen. With his are his children Julius, 4, second from left, Ariana, 7, and Sylvia, 8. They live in Lima.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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