Carrie Ansberg, left, Carla Nowak, center, and Nancy Nowak attended the 8th Annual Toledo Ladies for the Club luncheon to benefit the Boys and Girls Clubs of Toledo at the Inverness Club.
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Victoria Wiggins, left, and Chris Farmer attended the 8th Annual Toledo Ladies for the Club luncheon.
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Co-chair Stacey Dunbar, left, former Toledo Mayor Mike Bell, center, and co-chair Robin Flaum attended the 8th Annual Toledo Ladies for the Club luncheon.
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Katie Roberts, left, Kay Rasmus, center, and Susan Morgan attended the 8th Annual Toledo Ladies for the Club luncheon.
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Shawna Woody spoke at the 8th Annual Toledo Ladies for the Club luncheon to benefit the Boys and Girls Clubs.
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Teri Tomase, left, Julie Roberts, center, and Kathy Pigott attended the 8th Annual Toledo Ladies for the Club luncheon.
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Keyaunte Jones, the 2017 Ohio Youth of the Year, 17, and his mother Cornelia Doyle attended the 8th Annual Toledo Ladies for the Club luncheon.
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From left, Adele Jasion, Kristian Brown, and Julie Rubini with guest speaker Jael Ealey-Richardson, author and daughter of Chuck Ealey during Claire’s Night.

Sherri and Chuck Ealey, left, with Chester and Donna Trail during Claire’s Night, a Purple Carpet Affair at Parkway Place in Maumee.

Joe Klein, treasurer, and Susan Reams, Hilda Bentley Award winner, during the Historic Perrysburg Inc.’s 40th anniversary dinner at Carranor Hunt and Polo Club.

Christine Weininger of the Hayes Presidential Museum and Dave Kleeberger, president, Historic Perrysburg Inc. during the 40th anniversary dinner.

Chairmen from left, Barbara Baumgartner, Patricia Hilfinger, Sue Brue and Dianne Tankoos at the Shaken or Stirred? Casino Royale fund-raiser at Inverness Club.

Brad and Elaine Lewandowski, left, with Kerry Barr, Debbie Deiger, and Rick and Kathy Bohn at the Shaken or Stirred? fund-raiser.

Auctioneer Richard Leonard, Barr's Public House, left, with Stephanie Soldner and Chef Dustin Schoenhofer raise funds for charity.

From left, Paul Devers, Dock Treece, and John Kos at the Shaken or Stirred? Casino Royale fund-raiser at Inverness Club presented by ProMedica Flower Hospital Auxiliary to benefit breast cancer care.

From left, Michael Sordyl, co-chairman, Malcolm Richards, and Michael Green at the Shaken or Stirred? Casino Royale fund-raiser.

Dasa Dzierwa, ProMedica Metro Region President, Arturo Pilizzi, and Lynn Masters at the Shaken or Stirred? Casino Royale fund-raiser.

Rebecca Shope, left, and Rebecca Katz at the Shaken or Stirred? Casino Royale fund-raiser.

Rob and Gina Krieger, left, and Dori and Gary Marck at the Shaken or Stirred? Casino Royale fund-raiser.