Culture On the Town: Golf outings Published on Sept. 22, 2013 Share Tweet Share Email Comments Print winning team of Rusty Wilke, Keith Russeau, Bill Scovell, & Chris Fox. Event organizers Dan Trombley and Matt Sattler. Golfers preparing their carts for the start of the day. Committee member Nate Gaubert, left, with his teammates John Graham, Petra Cole, John McHale, and Rob Graham. Founder, Nick Hall, second from left, and his team Left to Right- J. Holbrook, Nick Hall, Petra Cole, John Hall, Keith Burwell Dr James Stahl and Mrs. Susan Stahl and TCC Board Member Dan Cutillo and his wife Barb Cutillo enjoying Italian cuisine at the Godfather Golf event at Toledo Country Club. Susan Kelly, Jo-Ellen Apgar and Nancy Metzger and guest play in the Ladies Guest Day. Doy Dinardo, TCC Guest Kim Kristoff, Nancy Hart and BJ Casabianca pose for a group photo right before they tee off on Ladies Guest Day at Toledo Country Club. Roni Zak, Mother Cecilia and Elaine Raglow. Lynn Anderson, Roni Zak, Mother Cecilia, Kathy Hufford, Dawn Mueller and John Carroll. Event planner Jole Harmon and guest, Meg Milano and planner Sue Cardone with guest, Barb Biggs. Safari planners Claire Blythe and Sue Cardone with guide, Roger Rummel. Meg Milano, Barb Biggs and chairmen Sue Cardone and Claire Blythe admire Monty, the python, at Stone Oak outing, This foursome is Chamber Board of Trustees Chairman Jim Weber, Eric Heintschel, Nathan Syrek, and Maggie Crowley. Deputy Mayor of Toledo Paul Syring, EPIC Toledo Chair-Elect Doug Mallette, Mark V'Soske, President of the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce, and EPIC Toledo Chairman Adam Davenport. Dan Trombley drives off the first tee. Maria Stevens and Dr. Thomas Schwann, Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery at UTMC. Jim Parks, Shirley & Dave Bailey, Steve Scarvelis Dr. Jon Frankel, Gus Mancy, Ron Welty, Ken Rusk Phil Amadio (board member) with wife Julie and Matt Grimes (board member) with wife Jennifer Tony Armstrong, Rich Crawford, Kurt Schell, and Jan Merki. This is Sal and Rick with the winners of the Sal's Pals 10th Annual golf outing. From left is Rick Pinardo, Ron Reeder Jr., David Cervetto, Rich Jones and Mark Evans. Sal is holding the trophy.The team won with a 15-under par. Don Decker won a VW Jetta from Ed Schmidt in Perrysburg. Related Items on the town Recommended for you Click to comment