President Barack Obama entering the gym.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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President Barack Obama speaks to the crowd at Lima Senior High School in Lima, Ohio on Friday.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Supporters wave signs in support of President Barack Obama at Lima Senior High School in Lima, Ohio.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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The crowd responds to President Barack Obama.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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The scoreboard is set to honor President Barack Obama's visit to Lima Senior High School.
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Nell Lester, listens to President Obama while her grandson, Carter Lester, 2, takes a nap.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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President Obama speaks to the crowd.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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President Obama speaking to a packed gym about being the champion of working families at Lima Senior High School.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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President Barack Obama works the crowd after his speech.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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President Barack Obama speaking to a packed gym at Lima Senior High School.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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President Barack Obama shaking hands with the audience after his speech.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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The crowd in the gym at Lima Senior.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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President Obama finds a familiar face in the crowd.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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President Obama leaves the gym.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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President Obama shakes hands with the overflow crowd in an auxiliary gym after speaking with them before addressing the larger crowd.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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The crowd responds as President Obama takes the podium. Pres. Barak Obama speaks to the crowd at Lima Senior High School in Lima, Ohio.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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President Barack Obama shaking hands after his speech.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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President Obama shakes hands with the overflow crowd in an auxiliary gym after speaking with them before addressing the larger crowd.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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People line up to enter Lima Senior High School before a visit from Pres. Barack Obama in Lima.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Solana Lopez, 12, holding sign, her brother Jesse, 10 and their dad Scott Lopez, all of Pemberville, wait in line to see the president.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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People line up to enter Lima Senior High School before a visit from Pres. Barack Obama in Lima, Ohio.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Nataley Hattery, 8, of Van Wert, entertans herself while waiting for the president.
The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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