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Rare King James Bible


Two 400-year-old first edition King James Bibles that will be going on display at the Toledo Museum of Art.

The Blade/Dave Zapotosky
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The King James Version bible printed in 1611 by British printer Robert Barker is on display at the Toledo Museum of Art.


A King James Version bible page showing the intricate scriptwork.


Page from the King James Version bible, which is on display at the Toledo Museum of Art. The page is from the First Book of Moses. The book is celebrating is 400th anniversary. It was printed in 1611.


A map page inside the King James Version bible, printed in 1611, by British printer Robert Barker.


close-up of page showing Noah's genealogy inside a rare first edition of the King James Version bible, printed in 1611.


Page of the King James Version bible. A rare first edition version is on display at the Toledo Museum of Art.


Ed Hill, curatorial assistant in the works of art on paper department at the Toledo Museum of Art, looks at two 400-year-old first edition King James Bibles that will be going on display at the museum. The one on the table has a binding from the late 19th century, the one he has open has a 17th century binding.

The Blade/Dave Zapotosky
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Close-up of one of two 400-year-old first edition King James Bibles that will be going on display at the Toledo Museum of Art.

The Blade/Dave Zapotosky
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Two 400-year-old first edition King James Bibles will be going on display at the Toledo Museum of Art. The one in the foreground has a 17th century binding, the other has a late 19th century binding.

The Blade/Dave Zapotosky
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Detail shot of one of two 400-year-old first edition King James Bibles that will be going on display at at the Toledo Museum of Art. This shows text that translators inserted in their own words, in Roman type face, as opposed to words "directly from God" in Gothic type.

The Blade/Dave Zapotosky
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Detail shot of one of two 400-year-old first edition King James Bibles that will be going on display at at the Toledo Museum of Art. This shows notes in the margin.

The Blade/Dave Zapotosky
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Detail shot of one of two 400-year-old first edition King James Bibles that will be going on display at at the Toledo Museum of Art. This shows "thistle and rose" pattern.

The Blade/Dave Zapotosky
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Detail shot of one of two 400-year-old first edition King James Bibles that will be going on display at at the Toledo Museum of Art. This shows text that translators inserted in their own words, in Roman type face, as opposed to words "directly from God" in Gothic type.

The Blade/Dave Zapotosky
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Ed Hill, curatorial assistant in the works of art on paper department at the Toledo Museum of Art, with two 400-year-old first edition King James Bibles that will be going on display at the museum.

The Blade/Dave Zapotosky
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