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STEM night at Glendale-Feilbach Elementary


Southview science teacher Sarah Gladieux, left, pours a cup of Kool-Aid cooled with dry ice out for K.C. Okere, 12, during the STEM night Wednesday at Glendale-Feilbach Elementary School in Toledo.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Keynan Williams, 10, left, and Nathaniel Martin, 10, work together to stack cups using only string and rubber bands.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Louis Lutcher, 9, uses a hand-crank to power a small generator. Co-organizer Shannon Gladieux, a fourth- and fifth-grade math and science teacher at the elementary school, said they were expecting about 150 kids to participate.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Jasiah Turner, 11, left, watches as Kaiden Dobosu, 12, pulls the cord to release their bottle rocket powered by water.

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Marathon Project Engineer Samson Gladieux discusses his work with Alex Hinds, 11, left, and other children during STEM night at Glendale-Feilbach Elementary.

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Southview science teacher Sarah Gladieux pours liquid nitrogen over a balloon to force the air inside it to contract as part of a demonstration.

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O'Shaun McGary, 10, right, reacts as Southview science teacher Sarah Gladieux uses the heat from her hands to expand air in a balloon that had shrunk when covered with liquid nitrogen.

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Eighth graders Zahria Lancaster, 13, left, and Destinique Conley, 13, center, joke together as they mix up homemade slime.

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Eighth graders Zahria Lancaster, 13, left, Destinique Conley, 13, center, and Alivia Austin, 14, mix up homemade slime together.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Keynan Williams, 10, uses his hands to complete a circuit with pencil graphite in order to operate controls on a computer game.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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