Monday, Jul 29, 2024
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High School

Southview upsets Anthony Wayne


Anthony Wayne's Percy Mills, left, and Southview's Jared Lyle scramble for the ball.

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Anthony Wayne's JJ Fortner (10) celebrates Andrew Yokum's goal against Southview.

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Southview assistant coach Dave Flanders instructs his players.

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Southview's Omar Gad is tripped up.

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Southview's Jared Lyle reacts to scoring one of his two goals against Anthony Wayne.

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Anthony Wayne students braved the cold to watch their team fall to Southview.

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Tony Turley bundled up to watch his son Matt Turley play for Southview.

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Southview's Chris Ellis kicks the ball into the net between two Anthony Wayne players, Nick Frank (7) and Phillip Reed, but it didn't count during the D-I soccer regional semifinal at Central Catholic.

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Anthony Wayne's Andrew Yokum signals to the bench after scoring AW's only goal against Southview.

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Southview's Jared Lyle reacts to scoring one of his two goals against Anthony Wayne.

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Southview's Brad Brown watches as the ball sails over Anthony Wayne goalie Austin Kaminski.

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Southview teammates surround Jared Lyle (13) who scored both goals against Anthony Wayne.

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Southview's Mitchell Lestrange watches Anthony Wayne's Grant Oliver head butt the ball.

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Southview's Mitchell Lestrange reacts to defeating Anthony Wayne during the D-I soccer regional semifinal at Central Catholic.

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Southview and Anthony Wayne players shake hands after the D-I soccer regional semifinal at Central Catholic.

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Anthony Wayne's JJ Fortner, left, and Southview's Brad Brown chase the ball during the D-I soccer regional semifinal at Central Catholic.

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